MATLAB: Saving strings in to GUI dynamic Listbox in a loop

for loopguilistboxset

Hi, I am trying to save a list of words and set them in a GUI listbox dynamically. This is my loop:
L = length(scchildren1)
c= 1;
for z=1:L
A= A+1;
B= A;
B =int2str(B);
B= scchildren1{z}
set(handles.listbox2,'String',B, 'Value', c);
B= str2num('B');
B= B+1;
c= c+1;
I don’t know which property of listbox I can access to change line for each save operation. I thought maybe ‘Value’, but false. Now the problem is I am saving all words in one place in each iteration and at the end remains only one. Any idea would be helpful. Thanks

Best Answer

You can't insert just one item into a listbox. You have to send in the whole string. So you need to make up a cell array of strings and then send that in. for what you did, no for loop is needed:
listboxItems = scchildren1(1:z);
set(handles.listbox2,'String', listboxItems );
If you then want to highlight/select a particular item in the listbox, then is when you set the value property:
set(handles.listbox2, 'Value', someIndexYouWant);
Note that if you have multiselect on then someIndexYouWant can be a vector. if it's a single selection listbox, someIndexYouWant must be a single number.