MATLAB: Saving nested for loop data for each successful iteration

forfor looploopnestednested forsave array

I'm trying to store the data for each time a certain criteria is met, the criteria is calculated using the number of hours (it is a failure rate, so failure % = fail count/t * 100, where t is the hours). The loop is run 300 times using different system configurations. A simplified verision:
check = 0; %check is just a counter to count the number of iterations
%x1-3 are the variable system parameters
for x1 = 1:3
for x2 = 1:10
for x3 = 1:10
check = check+1
for t=1:length(time)
do something
%calculate fail
fail = fCount/t
if fail<desiredFail
store(t,:) = [x1, x2, x3, fail]
So clearly the issue here is that using t as the index will only store the final iteration results (x1=3, x2=10, x3=10) and the saved values is overwritten each time the loop goes round. I have tried to add the array to another array using cat, but this failed for similar reasons.
As I was about to post this, I thought of a simple solution but it seems way too easy to be correct given the amount of similar questions on this problem. I have added the check variable, which is going to be equal to the number of iterations. If I used this variable ie:
if true
store(check,:) = [x1,x2,x3,fail]
Will this work? I have run it with this code and it gives me the 300 values, but as my code is full of bugs at the minute I'm not totally convinced by this method, seems too simplistic compared to the other answers I've seen suggested (which I didn't fully understand how I could apply them hence I asked my own question).
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I’m not certain what ‘check’ is. I would just add a counter:
count = 0; % Initilise Counter
... CODE ...
if fail<desiredFail
count = count + 1; % Increment Counter
store(count,:) = [x1, x2, x3, t, fail]
... CODE ...