MATLAB: Saving Multiples Variable of a function


I have some codes that i make
function result = back_prop(W1,W2,W3, A1,A2,A3, T_Input, Output)
dim_A = size(T_Input)
m = dim_A(2)
dZ3 = A3 – Output.'
dW3 = 1/m * dot_mult_dif_dim(dZ3, A2.')
db3 = 1/m * np_sum(dZ3)
dZ2 = dot_mult_dif_dim(W3.', dZ3).*(1 – A2.^2)
dW2 = 1/m * dot_mult_dif_dim(dZ2, A1.')
db2 = 1/m * np_sum(dZ2)
dZ1 = dot_mult_dif_dim(W2.', dZ2).*(1 – A1.^2)
dW1 = 1/m * dot_mult_dif_dim(dZ1, T_Input.')
db1 = 1/m * np_sum(dZ1)
where dot_mult_dif_dim and np_sum is a function that i make my own,
how can i save or access dZ3, dW3, db3, dZ2, dW2, db2, dZ1, dW1, and db1 ? each of them are matrix
i want to use them to update some parameters in NN, thank you

Best Answer

If you want to use the variables in the other function, use this command in both functions:
global dZ3 dW3 db3 dZ2 dW2 db2 dZ1 dW1 db1