MATLAB: Saving multiple versions of GUI’s


Hello, I am having some trouble in saving multiple versions of GUI's. I want to save multiple versions of the fairly complex GUI I am working on in order to be able to track progress/go back to previous versions if needed. But each new version seems to depend on the last. How do I fix this? I save within editor in Matlab, and try to save the figure from GUIDE with a new name also, and it still has past-version dependencies, leaving any edits in the new renamed version null. Thanks very much, Jean

Best Answer

Try a version control piece of software?
Subversion/Tortoise, Dimensions, etc.
Try using separate folders for different versions.
Use the name of the GUI for ONLY the current version, and save old versions with the version number.
The reason it depends on older versions is because the CALLBACKS are automatically generated, and do not update when you change the name of the GUI.