MATLAB: Saving multiple .mat files different names


My problem is the following:
With this first script I'm changing from edf to .mat files, here there's no problem
[hdr,record] = edfread(muestra);
"muestra" is an edf file that changes every loop, so my purpose is not overwite the record variable, but having record_1,record_2… for each "muestra". For that I've done the following:
matFileName = fullfile(pwd, sprintf('angry_%3d%3d.mat',trial,experimento));
save(matFileName, 'record');
The problem that I'm facing with is that even I save them with different names, once I try to load all of those into the workspace they still have the same name "record" as you can be seen in the screenshoot, I don't know how to avoid that name and have the one I've said before.

Best Answer

[hdr,record] = edfread(muestra);
recordname = sprintf('record_%i',trial);
matFileName = matfile(fullfile(pwd, sprintf('angry_%3d%3d.mat',trial,experimento)),'Writable',true);
matFileName.(recordname) = record;
clear matFileName;