MATLAB: Saving (in a matrix) the elapsed time and number of iterations for a large number of cases


I have a program that outputs the *number of iterations* and a *test value*, given inputs *A1,A2,A3,A4*.
I want to run through 5 values each of A1, A2, A3, A4, thus making 625 runs. In the process, I want to save the *time elapsed* for each run, the *number of iterations*, and *test value* in 3 separate matrices.
I have tried using 4 nested *for* loops, and made progress, but need some help on indexing the elements of the matrices. The iterator variables in the for loops don't match the indexing variables…
The code for the 4 nested loops is below:
m = logspace(-4,4,5);
n = logspace(0,8,5);
eltime = zeros(5,length(m)*length(m)*length(m));
for A1 = m
for A2 = m
for A3 = m
for A4 = n
for i=1:numel(eltime)
for j = 1:length(n)
eltime(j,i) = toc;
The code for the main program is excerpted below:
function [k,test] = OC(A1,A2,A3,A4)
Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

Use this kind of code framework
mvals = logspace(-4,4,5);
numm = length(mvals);
nvals = logspace(0,8,5);
numn = length(nvals);
for A1idx = 1 : numm
A1 = mvals(A1idx);
for A2idx = 1 : numm
A2 = mvals(A2idx);
for A3idx = 1 : numm
A3 = mvals(A3idx);
for A4idx = 1 : numn
A4 = nvals(A4idx);
eltime(A4idx, A3idx, A2idx, A1idx) = ....
You might notice that I reversed the indices from the obvious, that I did not index eltime(A1idx, A2idx, A3idx, A4idx) . You can use that order, but it is less efficient than the order I used. That is because in MATLAB memory is arranged "down columns", so A(1,1) is immediately adjacent to A(2,1) then A(3,1) rather than A(1,1) being immediately adjacent to A(1,2) then A(1,3) . It is more efficient to assign to adjacent memory.
You should also examine your code to determine whether you can vectorize it, calculating on a matrix basis instead of one value at a time. For example, A1 + A2 * A3^A4 can be vectorized as A1 + A2 .* A3 .^ A4 so now if you feed in arrays of the same size, the expression would calculate for each corresponding element. This can end up being quite a lot faster.
If your code can be vectorized, then you can use ndgrid to build the appropriate matrices:
[A1, A2, A3, A4] = ndgrid(mvals, mvals, mvals, nvals);
result = OC(A1, A2, A3, A4); %do everything at once, no loops at all!
this will not give you the individual elapsed times, but you might find that it is no longer important compared to the speedup.