MATLAB: Saving images as a database

image to database

I am trying to put a folder of jpg images in a database .mat i tried this from similar stuff that i googled, i was successful doing it to one image using
here is the failed code,
if true
srcFiles = dir('F:\matlab\face\data\*.jpg') % the folder images are in
for i = 1 : length(srcFiles)
filename = imread(['F:\matlab\face\data\',srcFiles(i).jpg]);
holdImage(i) = imread(filename);
end save('testimagebase.mat','holdImage'); end

Best Answer

Try this snippet. Set folder to:
folder = 'F:\matlab\face\data';
ListOfImageNames = {};
ImageFiles = dir([folder'/*.*']); % Get all files.
for Index = 1:length(ImageFiles)
baseFileName = ImageFiles(Index).name;
[folder, name, extension] = fileparts(baseFileName);
extension = upper(extension);
% Let's save just those we are interested in:
switch lower(extension)
case {'.png', '.bmp', '.jpg', '.tif', '.avi'}
% Allow only PNG, TIF, JPG, or BMP images
ListOfImageNames = [ListOfImageNames baseFileName];
% Now ListOfImageNames is a list of all image format files.
% Now do whatever you want with that list.