MATLAB: Saving graphs by parfor command cause to empty figure

parfor @ print

I want to save 12 graphs created in other functions with using the "parfor" command. For this I collect all the handles in a single function named "SaveGraphs". Since the command "print" takes a long of time, I decided to apply the "parfor". My code looks as following
function SaveGraphs(f1,f2,...,f12)
SizeVec= matrix 12 X 2 with appropriated sizes
for k=1:length(graphs)
set(figure(graphs(k)),'PaperUnits','inches','PaperPosition',[0 0 SizeVec(k,:)])
parfor k=1:length(graphs)
The graphs are saved but they are empty. Any hint at a solution?
If I change the "parfor" to "for", it works.
Thanks in advance for helping

Best Answer

If I've understood correctly, you are creating the figures at the client and trying to call print from the workers. This will not work because the workers are separate MATLAB processes, and cannot access the figures defined at the client. To do something like this, you need the workers to create the figures and then call print.