MATLAB: Saving graph from GUI as .fig works, but not as .png


In my GUI i have an axes with some random plot in it. I am trying to save this graph as a figure and as a .png by pressing a button. I already know that in order to save the axes only (not the whole GUI window), i have to create a new figure, and then use COPYOBJ to copy that axes to the new figure. This is where I got the idea and code from. It looks like this:
fignew = figure('Visible','off'); % Invisible figure
newAxes = copyobj(handles.axes1,fignew); % Copy the appropriate axes
set(newAxes,'Position',get(groot,'DefaultAxesPosition')); % The original position is copied too, so adjust it.
set(fignew,'CreateFcn','set(gcbf,''Visible'',''on'')'); % Make it visible upon loading
set(fignew, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto');
%export_fig(fignew, filename); %using export_fig as a second option as it is recommended often
While the saved figure looks perfectly fine,
the .png files look like this:
by using export_fig and the following one by using print:
As you can see in the first image, the graph is squeezed to a very small size and sits in the bottom left corner. The rest is white space only. The second image consits of the small size graph only. I don't know what is happening there.
I appreciate every bit of help and want to thank you for taking your time reading this.

Best Answer

My mistake. I didnt know that the units of my axes are set to pixels when creating it. Adding the line
solved my problems.
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