MATLAB: Saving a matrix of each loop

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HELLO! i am trying to save a matrix on each loop.
i know this is simple syntax but it is not working for me. This is the code i have where i know there is a syntax error. it just keeps overriding the previous matrix.
% made seperate matrix for the test
for i=1:length(pts)
matrix = [x(next:pts(i,:)), y(next:pts(i,:)), test(next:pts(i,:))];
next = pts(i);
if pts(i) == length(pts)
fin = 0;
i then attempted to add this, and this is the error coming up.
test(i,:) = matrix;
Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side.
i have attempted to use matrix{i} but that gives me a cell and i cant handle it the way i want to. none of the cell commands work…
i have also tried matrix(:,i) = [x(next:pts(i,:)), y(next:pts(i,:)), test(next:pts(i,:))];
Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with
the size of the right side.
Error in arrayplay (line 56)
matrix(:,i) = [x(next:pts(i,:)), y(next:pts(i,:)), num_step(next:pts(i,:))];
please help. im just about ready to cry.

Best Answer

You can save them into a cell as shown below.
iwant = cell([],1) ; % initilize a cell array;
% made seperate matrix for the test
for i=1:length(pts)
matrix = [x(next:pts(i,:)), y(next:pts(i,:)), test(next:pts(i,:))];
next = pts(i);
iwant{i} = matrix ; % save into a cell
if pts(i) == length(pts)
fin = 0;
Access the cell using: iwant{1}, iwant{2},...etc.
You can also initialize it into amatrix, if dimensions are known in prior and if dimensions don't change in a loop.