MATLAB: Saving a file in a relative directory on the current .m file.

folder structurepathsave

I am having trouble setting up a save file folder. It just seems to save my file to whatever my current directory is. Is it possible to save in a certain location relative to the .m file that I run. The file that I run is deep withing my folder structure, and I want to save it a folder back with current date. I tried using mkdir() but that would just make folders anywhere my current path was. I also tried using CD to my path location but it just seems to be ignored and it starts saving anywhere. One thing that I also see is repeating folder structures where my code basically recreates the entire two folders within my directory. Any solution to this Problem?

Best Answer

Then use an absolute path. You can use fullfile for that. If it needs to be relative to the m-file, you can use the following syntax of which
to get the path of the m file. Then use that as an input to fullfile to build up the desired save path. This assumes your m file is on your path.