MATLAB: Saving a Figure from inside a GUI


Hi all!
I have been designing a few GUIs to make some data analysis easier. At the end process however I want to be able to save the created plot (and legend) with a push button. I have been looking over past questions and have seen a few ways to approach the problem. My current method of saving the plot is as follows
picname=input('Enter Name for Image: ','s')
saveas(, picname, 'jpg')
The problem with this is that I take the whole GUI window instead of just the plot. The two other methods I have seen are the export_fig function and the copyobj method. With the export_fig function I cannot figure out how to tell it to take only the part that I want. With the copyobj method (copy the plot to a figure window and save it there) I cannot figure out how to properly use the function.
Additional info: When I created the axes I defined them with'Outerposition',[.25, 0,0.8,0.8]);
Cheers, Rhys

Best Answer

With export_fig(), you can pass it the axes handle on your GUI if you want to save only the axes. Is that what you meant by "take only the part that I want"? Did you try to pass it the axes handles instead of the figure handle?