MATLAB: Saving a cell with multiple vectors of different length to csv or xlsx

arraycellcsvMATLABsavevectors different length

Hello everyone,
as the title says, I'm trying to save a cell structured like this (1x1x27):
val(:,:,1) =
[1323×1 double]
val(:,:,2) =
[1117×1 double]
val(:,:,3) =
[1162×1 double]
% There are n=27+ columns of x length, so for simplicity i just wrote n
% and x in order not to have to paste too much text
val(:,:,n) =
[x×1 double]
in a csv file, because then i need to manually check the graphs obtained by each columns.
The cells only contains numbers.
I managed to create such a file already, but i used the xlswrite function so the code was too slow, and i want to make it faster.
Do you have any ideas on how i can proceed?
To summarise: I have multiple vectors of different length, and i want to save them in a single matrix/csv file.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

The easier way but does open/close the file every time...
for i=1:N
v=val{:,:,i}; % dereference the cell array

csvwrite('youroutputfile,csv',v,rOff,0); % write with offset

The more efficient way as far as file access but requires you to do more of the work/formatting...
for i=1:N
v=val{:,:,i}; % dereference the cell array
fmt=[repmat('%g,',1,numel(v)-1),'%g\n']; % build the appropriate format string
fwrite(fid,fmr,v); % write with offset
Salt to suit the desired format string, etc., ...