MATLAB: Save the variables whose names are always changing over different loops

faq4.6save changing names variable loops

Consider the example below. The aim is , in every circulation, to generate a variable first, only a1 in the fist circulation for example,then save the generated variable into hardware, then the workspace should be cleared right before each circulation ends considering the huge size of the data. What I can do now is only to generate the desired variable in the workspace, and I am at a loss on how to save it to the hard disk automatically .
for i=1:10;

% PLEASE help add a line or more here to save ai into hard disk
clear all
Thanks a million

Best Answer

If you are saving each value to disk as a separate file, the only thing you need to change is the filename. You can reuse the same variable in the loop. Does the format of the file matter? If not I recommend saving as a MAT-file as shown below:
for i = 1:10
a = i^2;