MATLAB: Save the elements of different pages of a matrix in a vector


I have a matrix Z 6x100x6 and I would like to store all the elements from the 6th and the 100th column them in vector. So I do
Matlab the generates again a multidimensional matrix 1x1x6. instead of vector 1×6. Whereas
will return a vector 1×100 with 100 elements of the first row of the first page. What I am I doing wrong? Thank you

Best Answer

A trailing dimension of the length 1 is automatically omitted by Matlab. But otherwise the number of dimensions is kept, and this is the expected behavior.
B = squeeze(Z(6, 100, :));
B = reshape(Z(6, 100, :), 1, []);
or explicitely
B = reshape(Z(6, 100, :), 1, size(Z, 3));
Try this:
size(zeros(1,1,10)) % >> 1, 1, 10
size(zeros(1,1,10,1)) % >> 1, 1, 10 also!