MATLAB: Save OR open figure with transparent background


I need to save my pie charts without white background behind it (transparent), I was searched dozens of webpages and tried:
set(gcf, 'color', 'none');
% and
set(gca 'color', 'none');
But not works for me. I even used export_fig from FEX in this syntax:
export_fig (ax, ['filename' num2str(k) '.png']);
But I got this error:
Unrecognized function or variable 'using_hg2'.
Error in export_fig>parse_args (line 1391)
options.aa_factor = 1 + 2 * (~(using_hg2(fig) && isAA) |
(options.renderer == 3));
Error in export_fig (line 330)
[fig, options] = parse_args(nargout, fig, varargin{:});
Here is all my code,
f = figure();
ax = axes();
p = pie(ax, ones(1,5));
t = p(2:2:end);
p = p(1:2:end);
s = {'CC', 'ME', 'NU', 'BI', 'IA'};
for k=1:size(davar1, 1)
for i=1:numel(s)
switch davar1(k,:).([s{i} '_CHECK']) % I even tried insert (j) here and do it in the for loop but error says Index exceeds the number of array elements (2).
case 'New York'
p(i).FaceColor = 'g';
case 'California'
p(i).FaceColor = 'y';
case 'Illinois'
p(i).FaceColor = 'r';
case 'Texas '
p(i).FaceColor = 'k';
case 'Ohio'
p(i).FaceColor = 'b';
case 'North Carolina'
p(i).FaceColor = 'c';
case 'Tennessee'
p(i).FaceColor = 'w';
exportgraphics(ax, ['filename' num2str(k) '.png']);
I saw some people say save figure as .png then go to windows Microsoft Office PowerPoint and make your picture background transparent but I have over 200 images and it would be awesome if Matlab can do it. Please guid me how I can export my figure in transparent mode.
Thank you all

Best Answer

Call export_fig with additional inputs
export_fig('filename', '-dpng', '-transparent', '-r300'); % -r300 is the PPI value, default resolution is low