MATLAB: Save Network and connect Network (nntool) with GUI

Deep Learning Toolboxmatlab guinntoolpush buttontrain network

ok…i have a question…
i've created a network, named network1 from nntool… now, how do i connect the network with my GUI (made by guide)… i mean, i've one button in my GUI, when i push the button i want to train the network. any answer will help me much… i will appreciate it.. thank you…

Best Answer

First, you need to save your network into MAT file.
Then place it in the same folder with your GUI.
In the pushbutton callback, you should call it by
load anyfilename.mat
Then, you can use it now. Use train command to train your network.
Eq :
output = train(net,P,T);
I hope this will helps you.