MATLAB: Save matrix of each iteration

for loopiterationssave matrix

I have the following code:
for c=1:10;
D = maximin(n2,n1,'euclidean');
M = min(D,[],2); ;
C=[D M];
[maxValue, rowIdx] = max(C(:,end),[],1); %max value and the row index
n1(end+1,:) = n2(rowIdx,:); %Copy selected row to bottom of n1
n2(rowIdx,:) = []; %Delete the row from n2 that has the maximin
n1 is 50*80 and n2 is 100*80 At the end of first iteration n1=51*80 and n2=49*80 and so on. I need to see save the n1 at the end of each iteration, so that I can use n1(1) … n1(10) for further calculation. Please help. I treid B = cell(1, c); B(n) = n1(1, c+1); Didn't help. Any help is very much appreciated.