MATLAB: Save matrices of the sequential names in cell array

save matrix problem

hi all,
i have question about matrices of the sequential names in cell array with for loop, the matrices named like this A1,A2,A3,……. and so on.
i used this code
for i = 1:5 eval(['A' num2str(i) '=i*ones(2*i,2*i)']); C{i}=(['A', num2str(i)]); end
but i get in the cell only the char of matrix with out the value inside it.
i will be grateful to any help.

Best Answer

Why everybody wants to put the index into the variable name? That's exactly how you not profit from Matlab's strengths.
I guess you want to have something like
A=cellfun(@(x) x*ones(2*x),num2cell(1:5),'uniform',false);