MATLAB: Save images in a new folder

mkdirsave images new folder

I am using the below subroutine inside for loop to save images during every itertaion. Here, I would like to save the images in new folder. Please help me with this…
if (f>=1) && (f<=9)
saveas(gcf, sprintf('S0000%d', f), 'bmp')
elseif (f>=10) && (f<=99)
saveas(gcf, sprintf('S000%d', f), 'bmp');
elseif (f>=100) && (f<=999)
saveas(gcf, sprintf('S00%d', f), 'bmp');
saveas(gcf, sprintf('S0%d', f), 'bmp');

Best Answer

Do it this way:
folder = pwd % Wherever you want...
for k = 1 : 1234
thisBaseFileName = sprintf('S%4.4d.png', k);
fullFileName = fullfile(thisBaseFileName);
fprintf('Saving %s\n', fullFileName);
% saveas() of exportgraphics()