MATLAB: Save image from GUI to desktop/folder

guisave image from guisave image to folder

So I am trying to save an image from my GUI in a folder when I press pushbutton embeddimage.
toBeSavedm which is the same image from earlier, originalRounded, is the picture I want to save and it is in workspace.
I am trying to use the uiputfile and imwrite functions, but somehow the image that is saved in my folder is different, the data is changed.
[fileName, filePath]=uiputfile('*.jpg*', 'Save toBeSaved as');
fileName = fullfile(filePath, fileName);
imwrite(toBeSaved, 'fileName', 'jpg');
guidata(hObject, handles);
or is there any other way to save an image from GUI to my folder?

Best Answer

imwrite(toBeSaved, fileName, 'jpg');
No quotes around fileName
You need to expect that data will be changed when you use JPEG, unless you specifically request lossless storage. JPEG is a format for "scenes" and does not preserve sharp lines well and is permitted to change saved values.