MATLAB: Save GUI fig by name from edit text

guiguidematlab gui

I am trying to save a figure in GUI, I want when the user click on a push button the below window appear.
I applied the follwoing function:
filter = {'*.m';'*.emf';'*.*'};
[file, path] = uiputfile(filter);
but when I press (save) nothing is saved. The problem is how to connect my figure to the above function.

Best Answer

Place this code in a callback function designed to save the figure. See inline comments for details.
newFig = figure(); % Create a new parent figure
newAx = copyobj(handles.axes1, newFig); % Copy your GUI axis to the new figure
% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Put your axis handle here
% Reposition the axis to default position within the new figure
newAx.Units = 'Normalize';
newAx.Position = [.13, .11, .76, .82];
% Ask user for path and filename
[file, path] = uiputfile('.fig');
% Save figure and print out a confirmation.
fprintf('Figure saved: %s\n', file) % optional