MATLAB: Save figure with black background and window


Hello everybody,
I have several figures with black background, and I would like to save them and do something similar to the figure I link in this message (credits to A.Wherlé for the image).
How to get rid of the classic white or grey contour of the matlab window when I use save() ?
Thank you in advance and have a good day !

Best Answer

According to my understanding you have MATLAB figure and want to change the background color of the figure and save(preserving the background). You can change the background color by setting the color using set” and save to required format using “saveas”. Here is a sample code:
f = figure;
set(gcf, 'InvertHardCopy', 'off');
set(gcf,'Color',[0 0 0]); % RGB values [0 0 0] indicates black color
saveas(gcf,'Peaks.png'); % save as .png file