MATLAB: Save figure array error: “H must be an array of handles to valid figures”


I have a custom method from an internal codebase that creates a bunch of figures.
I have all the figures open in Matlab and I would like to save them. However, this gives and error:
fig = CustomStruct.CreateFigureCustomMethod;
savefig(fig, 'name.fig');
"Error using savefig (line 43)
H must be an array of handles to valid figures."
But fig is actually a Figure array in the workspace!
I know this may be impossible to answer due to reproducibilty, but I wonder if there is another way to save all open figures.
I could dig into the method and modify it, but I have the same issue with several methods and I do not think this should be necessary.

Best Answer

Try this to only save figures that are currently open
idx = arrayfun(@ishandle, fig);
fig_new = fig(idx);
savefig(fig, 'name.fig');
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