MATLAB: Save Excel worksheet as csv Using com Object

activexcom objectcsvexcel

I'm trying to save an Excel worksheet as a CSV. Here's my code:
% Connect Matlab to Excel
e = actxGetRunningServer('Excel.Application');
% Select 1st sheet
eSheets = e.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets;
eSheet1 = eSheets.get('Item',1);
% Save as csv
SaveAs(eSheet1,'C:\myfile.xlsx') % Works - Saves Excel as xlsx
SaveAs(eSheet1,'C:\myfile.csv','xlCSV') % Does not work
I'm going off the documentation here: WorkSheet.SaveAs. It must be a simple formatting issue of how to actually call Excel methods, but I cannot figure out how to save the worksheet as a csv. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Apparently 'xlCSV' just stands for '6', which Excel interprets as saving as CSV format. So if I do:
SaveAs(eSheet1,'C:\myfile.csv','6') % Saves as CSV
this works and solves my issue. I have no idea why 'xlCSV' does not work, but I'll leave this post in case others have similar issues in the future.