MATLAB: Save each result in different folders

for loopfprintfsavetext file

Hi I have 259 text file in a folder,P(1).txt:P(529).txt, and wanna change all their names to just P and save each one of then in a folder by their numbers, I could do it for one of them but when I got the code to for loop I got this error: ??? Error using ==> fprintf Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Error in ==> Untitled at 10
fprintf(fid2,'%s\n', str2{:});
any help will?
for i=2:530
fid1 = fopen(['P(' num2str(i-1) ').txt'],'r');
str1 = textscan(fid1,'%s','Delimiter','\n');
str2 = [str1{1}];
fid2 = fopen('E:\matlab\all\New folder\New folder (5)\VV\OO\P.txt','w');
fprintf(fid2,'%s\n', str2{:});

Best Answer

If OO is supposed to be the generated folder name, then:
fid2 = fopen(sprintf('E:\\matlab\\all\\New folder\\New folder (5)\\VV\\%d\\P.txt', OO),'w');
Matlab is not going to automatically guess that you want to replace the characters 'OO' by the value of the OO variable.
After that line, I would also add:
assert(fid2 > 0, 'Failed to create file');