MATLAB: Save all for loop data into workspace

save all for loop data into workspacesave all variablessave into workspacesave r 172 times

I have a for loop, but every iteration overwrites the variable and I have only the final data left.. how can I save data from every loop the new images i am having have different matrices when i dicomread them because they are from type uint and not double saves only the last value when R=172. how do I get the other values?
for c=1:172
name1 = strcat(folder_name1,'/',filesStruct1(c).name);
alpha = dicomread(name1)
R = (((double(alpha).*pi)./(4096)) - (pi./2))
dicomwrite(R, (strcat('Results/',filesStruct1(c).name)));
please if somebody can help me by editing that on my code, I am kind of using matlab since a few months thanks in advance

Best Answer

Easiest way to do this is with indices within your code. Instead of having R be the value you are writing, you want to write R(c), or R{c} depending on the type of data R contains. The first is for a regular double array, while the second is for a cell.
for c=1:172
name1 = strcat(folder_name1,'/',filesStruct1(c).name);
alpha = dicomread(name1)
R(c) = (((double(alpha).*pi)./(4096)) - (pi./2))
dicomwrite(R(c), (strcat('Results/',filesStruct1(c).name)));