MATLAB: Save a plot without gridlines

grid linesgridlinesMATLABplotpltprintsaveas

I use the plt function found here on the file exchange to make a plot and set the color of the gridlines to white (same as background), set the 'gridlinestyle' to 'none' and used the 'grid off' command. a bit much, I know, but I keep having the same problem. the resulting plot has no gridlines, but when I use either 'saveas' or 'print' to save the figure the gridlines reappear. I saved to both .png and .jpeg, but that made no difference. less important, but also strange is that the figure is rotated 90º couterclockwise. none of these problems occur when I manually save a figure using the drop down menu.
any ideas as to why this happens and how to solve it?

Best Answer

No idea why this happens, but I recommend you use this to export your figure no matter how you made it