MATLAB: Save a movie smaller than avi


I was wondering if there's a snippet of code that can save movies smaller than the typical avi? My system cannot find any codecs, so I thought mp4 would be better. But that's getting complex fast as I read about it. Here' my sample:
Z = peaks;
axis tight manual
ax = gca;
ax.NextPlot = 'replaceChildren';
loops = 40;
F(loops) = struct('cdata',[],'colormap',[]);
for j = 1:loops
X = sin(j*pi/10)*Z;
F(j) = getframe(gcf);
fig = figure;
movie2avi(F, 'awesomeMovie', 'compression', 'None');
Seems videowriter may have potential, but I cannot find an example I understand, based on my example above.
Hoping for some help, and thank you. Dave

Best Answer

Here's an example of how to use VideoWriter. Try it for different formats: wmv, mp4, etc.
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