MATLAB: Save A Matrix Into Excel


Hello i want to save a matlab matrix in an excel file (that i need to open with word). when i do:
xlswrite('c:\matlab\work\prova.xls', C_zi_tot)
i have this errror:
Warning: Could not start Excel server for export. XLSWRITE will attempt to write file in CSV format.
why?what kind of error am i doing? thank you

Best Answer

Are you on a Mac? If so, then note this fine print from "help xlswrite":
  • If your system does not have Excel for Windows, or if the COM server (part of the typical installation of Excel) is unavailable, xlswrite: * Writes ARRAY to a text file in comma-separated value (CSV) format. * Ignores SHEET and RANGE arguments. * Generates an error when ARRAY is a cell array.