MATLAB: Sample a not uniform time vector to get values from dependent variable


I have imported a signal from PSpice and I need to sample that signal at a fixed frequency. The time vector doesn't have uniform sample intervals so I can´t get equal-separated values from the signal.
t=[0.001145 0.001456 0.0018123 0.00221234 0.00242345 0.0026567 0.0028904 0.0032345 0.0034567 0.0035678 0.0044567 0.0047890 0.0055677 ...]
s=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ...]
I would need the values from s related to 0.002 , 0.004 , 0.006 , 0.008 , 0.01….., If I round time vector I'd get multiple values (for 0.002 i would obtain 4 values but i need just 1) and I can´t index s vector.

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