MATLAB: Same Load function error for all .slx or .mdl files


I get this error when trying to load any Simulink model to be able to use cftool… for .slx files i get
"Error using load
Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file OCT.slx must be the same as previous lines."
while i get this for .mdl files
"Error using load
Number of columns on line 21 of ASCII file OCT.mdl must be the same as previous lines."
How to get over this?

Best Answer

Simulink® models aren't data to be loaded and passed into cftool. They are themselves programs. You could instead open the model, simulate the model, and export the simulation results to a variable to use with cftool.
If instead you want to optimize parameters of your model in order to get the results to match some expected results, you may want to use Simulink® Design Optimization™ instead of cftool.
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