MATLAB: Same dates on the x and y axis


please can somebody tell me how i can plot the data with the same dates at the x and y axis? I wont to have the dates on the x and also on the y axis. Here is the program but Matlab shows a figure with the desired dates on both axis but without ploting the data.
figure('Units','pixels','Position',[70 17 1522 700]);
plot(WSSDayvectorgeant2,WSSDayvectorgeant1,'rs','LineWidth',1,'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor','g', 'MarkerSize',3)
Dates1 = strcat(num2str((4:124)'),{'/05/'},{'/06/'},{'/07/'},{'/08/2005'});
Dates_num1 = datenum(Dates1,'dd/mm'); % Conversion with datenum

set(gca,'xtick',Dates_num1(1):2:Dates_num1(end)) % every 2 days show on the xaxis

datetick('x','dd/mm','keepticks')% limit the date, use day/month format on the xaxis e.g 04/05 for 04 may

zoom out
Dates2 = strcat(num2str((4:124)'),{'/05/'},{'/06/'},{'/07/'},{'/08/2005'});
Dates_num2 = datenum(Dates2,'dd/mm'); % Conversion with datenum
set(gca,'ytick',Dates_num2(1):2:Dates_num2(end)) % every 2 days show on the xaxis
datetick('y','dd/mm','keepticks')% limit the date, use day/month format on the xaxis e.g 04/05 for 04 may
zoom out
zoom out
title(strcat('TOTAL DEAMAND GEANT (Whole Period): Stationarity of Days Result (from 05/05/2005 to 31/08/2005) '))
please i need help

Best Answer

i cannot plot the data. But the dates are showing to the figure window. I think the problem is caused by datetick. Because when i delete datetick the data are ploted but the dates on the axis not. help please thanks