MATLAB: S-Function return types


I am trying to generate an S-Function code from a C++ source code in which I wish both input and output to be arrays.
In my C++ code the function follows:
double* function(double param1[], param2[])
double *varReturn = new double[sizeof(param1[])];
return varReturn;
In the Matlab environment I enter the Output definition:
def.OutputFcnSpec = 'double y1 = TPh(double u1[], double u2[])'; then I get the
error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'double *' to 'real_T',
logically due to "double y1" does not be an array nor a pointer declaration. However I am having a hard time in write the output definition to make it work.
Can someone please give me some help with this. I sense I am being careless at some details or I have a misunderstanding.
Thank you.

Best Answer

The compiler error occurs, because in your specification:
double y1 = TPh(double u1[], double u2[])
The output 'y1' is returned by value, not a pointer which your function returns. As José-Luis Guerrero suggested, you should probably return the output via an input pointer argument, so that your specification can be:
TPh(double u1[], double u2[], double y1[])