MATLAB: S-function input ports with different variable dimensions


Hi all,
I am writing a C S-function for Simulink, with two input ports. The width of both ports is set to DYNAMICALLY_SIZED, because the input is a one dimensional vector with 1 or 4 elements. Everything goes well as long as both input signals have the same dimension (1 or 4). However, when the input signals have different dimensions (1 for the first and 4 for the second, or vice versa) the S-function doesn't run. There is an error which says that the input port is vector with 1 element, allthough the signal that goes to the input port is a vector with 4 elements.
Does anyone have an idea on what I am doing wrong, or what might be the solution to this problem?

Best Answer

The documentation suggests that you implement mdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo. Please try adding these lines to your S-function:
void mdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo(SimStruct *S, int_T port,
const DimsInfo_T *dimsInfo)
if (!ssSetInputPortDimensionInfo(S, port, dimsInfo)) return;