MATLAB: S- Function cannot found

MATLAB Compilermex compilersimulink

Hallo Mathworks,
I have a simulink model which is running on Matlab 2010b SP1. Model is using .mexw64 S-function and I have put the Model and S-function file in the same folder but MATLAB 201b SP1 isnt recognizing the S-function when I run the model.(see Attachement) Strange!
If I switch to MATLAB 2015b and then run the same model then it automatically detect the S-function and everything runs perfectly without an error.
I did check in MATLAB 2010b SP1 that it mex is using c++ as a default compiler and still isnt enable to find the file? Do this version of MATLAB needs anything else(ex. .dll or any other file) to make the model working?
Thank you!
Regards Jim

Best Answer

It sounds like the S-function .mexw64 file is created in later version (for example, R2015b) of MATLAB and is not compatible with R2010b. You need to find the source file (either .m or .c or something else) and re-compile it in R2010b.
Type web(fullfile(docroot, 'matlab/matlab_external/version-compatibility.html')) in your MATLAB to see the document.
or see the latest document Version Compatibility