MATLAB: Running long simulations on Matlab Online

distance_learninglong simulationsmatlab onlinematlab_onlineparfor

Hi all,
I have Monte-Carlo simulations that take hours to finish (~ 17 hours). I was using a Desktop in my university Lab for this purpose, where I can keep it ON for days. But unfortunately, now I can't access it and I can't run Matlab on my laptop for that long time. By coincidence I discovered Matlab Online, and I'm wondering now is there a way to keep my code running on it even after I log out. Also, can it run 'parfor'.
Best Regards,

Best Answer

You could run a batch job submitted from your desktop machine to a cluster somewhere. You need access to a MATLAB Distributed Computing Server cluster installation. Perhaps your university already has one; otherwise, you might be able to take advantage of one of the cloud computing offerings that allow you to run batch jobs.