MATLAB: Running external commands without going through a shell


The Matlab system() command allows the user to run external commands. To do this, it spawns a shell, and uses it to run the provided command. (see
This behavior is great for interactive use. However, for production code, it can cause issues with special characters as the shell will have a tendancy to over-interpret the given commands. So, for example, a directory with parenthesis in its name can cause shell errors and prevent the command from executing properly.
In the Python world, the subprocess module has a way to run commands directly, without spawning a shell (the "shell" argument):
Does Matlab have an equivalent? I know people have proposed various regular expressions to escape strings, but that is just not robust enough.

Best Answer

Maybe this works for you:
runtime = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime();
process = runtime.exec('program arg1 arg2'); % non-blocking
% Continue Matlab processing in parallel to spawned process ...
% ...or:
rc = process.waitFor(); % block Matlab until external program ends
rc = process.exitValue(); % fetch an ended process' return code