MATLAB: Running an external program from matlab linux


Hello. I have an external program called Lin.exe. This program accept (read) one file and write to another file. In windows cmd this can be done as follows:
Lin.exe /f command_file.txt /o output_file.txt
In matlab windows, I can do this as:
yourCommand2 = strcat('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Lin.exe"',' /f',' "','command_file.txt, '"', ' /o', ' "','output_file.txt', '"');
There is a Linux version of this exe file that is ./Lin.exe. The file located in "/global/storage/./Lin.exe". I want to use use matlab in linux to be able to run this program using "unix" command. However, this only can run Lin.exe and does not read any file or write to any file given.
yourCommand=['"/global/storage/./Lin.exe"' ' /f ' '"/home/merakpeep.rwd"' ' /o ' '"test.txt"' ]
unix( yourCommand);
Can you please help on this?

Best Answer

Solution: program needed -f and -o flags in Linux instead of the /f and /o flags used in Windows