MATLAB: Running a step by step simulation with Simulink debugger

debuggingrunning simulationsimulink

Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a way to debug a Simulink model, which is simulated by a fixed-step solver and analyze its behavior one step at the time.
I found on the Simulink debugger options a parameter to break the simulation at one single time, but how can I stop the model at each step time?
Is it possible to stop the simulation at each step time (or at each fixed time as well) by using the Simulink debugger?
I have Matlab 2009a
thanks 4 reading
ps For my purpose it's best that I don't use the Data export options from the simulink menu.

Best Answer

Yes, you can stop the simulation at each time-step using the Simulink Debugger. I believe you just need to set the break in whatever block method you like - the block's output is computed in the step or output method. See Run a Simulation Step by Step.