MATLAB: Running a code on all columns


Consider, Y is a 1000 by 100 matrix…100 columns and 1000 rows
if I run this code
S1 = numel(Y1);
xx1 = reshape(Y1(1:S1 - mod(S1, 20)), 20, []);
if I run this code
xx1 is a 20 by 50 matrix
What code can I use to do the same thing for the remaining 99 columns of Y

Best Answer

Y = rand(1000,100) ;
iwant = zeros(20,50,100) ;
for i = 1:100
Y1 = Y(:,i) ;
S1 = numel(Y1); % this is same always 1000
iwant(:,:,i) = reshape(Y1(1:S1 - mod(S1, 20)), 20, []);
With out loop
% no loop
m = 1000 ;
n = mod(m,20) ;
P = Y(1:m-n,:) ;
Q = reshape(P,20,50,[]) ;