MATLAB: Run matlab command after Simulink code gen is complete

Embedded CoderMATLABmatlab codersimulinksimulink coder

I have a Simulink file that I generate code for and build on an Odroid. I want to run another Simulink file on my laptop after the build and load process is complete. To do this, I am using the code below to start the Simulink file. However, I do not know where to put the code so it executes right after the other Simulink file's generated code is built.
sim('AIFMS_HIL_FMs_001', inf)

Best Answer

set_param(model, 'PostCodeGenCommand','pcgScriptName') but I would create a script to call rtwbuild() to generate code and then call sim() to run the simulation since these two tasks don't seem to be related.