MATLAB: Run a program multiple times and save result

run code multiple times

Hi all
i want to run a genetic algorithm code multiple time(for example twice), and in each run save the result. can anyone help me???

Best Answer

Sometimes I solve this problem this way:
if ~exist('run_idx.mat',2)
run_idx = 1;
save run_idx.mat;
run_idx = run_idx+1;
end % This gives you a run-index that you can increment in subsequent runs
%% Your other initializations
% Loop of genetic stuff
for i1 = 1:12, % Whatever you want
results = your_GA(input,arguments,etc);
savefilename = sprintf('your_GA_results-%02d.mat',run_idx)
run_idx = run_idx+1;
save run_idx.mat;
This gives you a design where you incrementally count up the run-index so that all files saved get numbered, in addition by saving the incremented index you can continue in a following matlab-session and not overwrite the previous files.