MATLAB: Run 32bit DCOM server form 64bit version of Matlab 2011b


I am using 64bit version of Matlab 2011b, but I need to create a COM server to control a 32bit 3rd party application. It does not work from the 64bit Matlab, so I need to do it from 32bit one. My question is can I use the automation server to run a 32 bit instance of Matlab from a 64bit instance? Or maybe there is another way to solve this problem?
Doing *!matlab \regserver* from a 32bit version does not help.

Best Answer

In order for there to be a chance to be able to use the automation server to run a 32 bit instance of MATLAB from a 64 bit instance, it would have to be the 32 bit version of MATLAB that was registered as the automation server.
That registration action also happens to affect which version of MATLAB you get if you open a .m or .p or .fig file from the Windows interface.
It is not possible to have both 32 and 64 bit version available to use as COM Server simultaneously.
I do not know for sure if the 64 bit MATLAB can use the COM Server to launch a 32 bit instance, but the implications of some of the postings I have seen is that it could work.