MATLAB: RR interval extraction from ECG

ecgfrequency analysispsdwaveletwelch

Hello there!
I am approaching for the first time to ECG analysis to extract the RR interval and, ultimately, compute a PSD estimation using Welch's periodogram. As far as I know, the wavelet method is the most common and the most reliable, but I find it difficult to understand.
Can anyone give me some advice regarding how to analyse ECG data? For example, why do we need to decompose the signal into different levels? And what do those levels mean? Does anyone know other methods to extract the RR interval?
For the moment I am working with the MIT-BIH database.
Thanks to anyone who's willing to help!

Best Answer

If you only want the locations of the R-waves in a normal EKG, use findpeaks or islocalmax.
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