MATLAB: Row index exceeds matrix dimensions

indexingMATLABresidualtable dimensionvarfun

I have a 143×4 matrix, which looks like this
A=[ 1 556037.025 6237642.046 5.964;
1 556037.035 6237642.041 5.960;
1 556037.028 623742.041 5.967;
2 556032.654 623730.067 10.368;
2 556032.652 623730.060 10. 364;
4 556042.000 623730.000 5.000;
4 556042.002 623730.005 5.010] ;
Column 1 is the point number, column 2-4 are X,Y,Z coordinates.
Each point is measured between 1 and 5 times.
My code is:
out(:,2:end)=out(:,2:end) - m{A(:,1),3:end}
I get the error Row index exceeds table dimensions
I have tried to test different scenarios and the error occurs when a point is missing, for example if there is no point number 7, so the first column goes from 6 to 8.
Any idea what is wrong?

Best Answer

T = array2table(A);
m = varfun(@mean,T,'GroupingVariables',1);
out = A;
[~,~,ii] = unique(A(:,1));
out(:,2:end) = out(:,2:end) - m{ii,3:end};