MATLAB: Row and Column permutation of a matrix

matrix permutationrow column permutation

Hi I want to permute each row and column of the matrix using specified permutation
%%%%%Permute each row by a certain permutation e.g (3 2 4 1)
M=[80 81 82 83;84 85 86 87;88 89 90 91;92 93 94 95];
perm2=[3 2 4 1];
for i=1:3
b(i,perm2) = M(i,:);
Output should be
82 81 83 80
86 85 87 84
90 89 91 88
94 93 95 92
what I am getting is
83 81 80 82
87 85 84 86
91 89 88 90
92 93 94 95
If some one figure out the mistake plus how to permute each column wise

Best Answer

Wanted = M(:, perm2)