MATLAB: Rounding off to odd multiples of 25

rounding odd multiples

variable X varies as 25:50:125875
A= "Enter a value of X"
I must round off the value of A (user input) to match certain X value.
I need if A = anything ending with 75 or 25 : aceept it if A = anything ending with values(26-49) : floor it to the value ending with 25, just before if A = anything ending with values(51-74) : ceiling it to the value ending with 75, just after

Best Answer

It's fairly straightforward, subtract 25, divide by 50, round to nearest integer and then multiply back by 50 and readd the 25:
>>roundspecial = @(x) 25+50.*round((x-25)./50);
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
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