MATLAB: Rotating a circle inside of a checkerboard image

circlecropimage analysisimage processingrotate

Hello everyone! I am wondering how I can rotate a perfect circle inside of a checkerboard image. I understand how to get the original checkerboard image but I am stuck on trying to rotate the inside of the checkerboard as a perfect circle. I have tried to rotate the inner part but it is not a perfect circle. Is there any way to crop the center and set bounds to rotate it as a circle? Or am I approaching this the wrong way. Thanks! The code that I have tried is below:
if mod(n, 2) == 0
C = zeros(n + 1, n); % create a matrix having a plus row
C(2 : 2 : end) = 1; % select every second element

C(end, :) = []; % remove the last row from the matrix
C = zeros(n, n); % create the matrix
C(2 : 2 : end) = 1; % select every second element
angle = 45;
T = @(I) imrotate(I,angle,'bilinear','crop');
TA = T(A);
mask = T(ones(size(A)))==1;
A(mask) = TA(mask);

Best Answer

You can plot a circle given radius and center of the circle using:
th = linspace(0,2*pi);
You change your origin (x0,y0) and put it in loop. Circle will move accordingly.
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