MATLAB: Rotating a circle drawn using rectangle()

animationgame developmentsimulation

Hi, I am drawing circles using rectangle() in a simulation for bouncing balls which has x,y and theta position attributes. I know how to change the position for every time step, how do I change the rotation of the ball? I have seen this link (<>, but this does not help me, how do I add the rotation inside rectangle() ? Thank you for the help !

Best Answer

You cannot rotate the circles drawn by rectangle(). Even if you could, you would not notice any difference since they're circles.
You said you know how to change the position so if you were not rotating them about their centers, but about some other location, then you know how to do that - you said so. You just calculate the new upper left coordinate and call rectangle with an updated 'Position' vector. So it's not the location of the circle you're asking about, it's the rotation at a given location, and like I said, you can't do that, nor would you notice any difference even if you could.
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